Thursday 10 March 2011

Student Examples of Villains: Group 12C Media Studies

Textual Analysis: Unit G322

TV Drama: Unit G322
In pairs discuss who you think is the perfect villain in Film or TV. Find a short clip or poster on the Internet and present your views on why the character/actor or actress is the perfect villain.

Some points for discussion might be
Age; class; gender; social/political; unacceptable attitudes; (choose a clip that is possible to show in a classroom environment though).
Comment on film techniques, camera, lighting, make up etc. 

1) Lily & Lia

2) Tom & Hannah

3) Ellie Steele

4) Katie & Camilla

5) Nick & Obed



  1. 1) lia & Lily - The joker
    WIthin this clip the joker stays quite calm this shows that he is used to intimidating and scaring people, to the extent he enjoys what he does. When he enters the room everyone backs away from him showing they know of his reputation and do not want to be involved or get the brunt of his actions. His voice is quite human and this adds to the tension as we do not know what he is capable of, despite his average size his attitude and behaviour threaten the other people at the party, his make up mimics a clown which is ironik as clowns are meant to be happy, fun and 'loving' characters, the total opposite to the Joker, despite his happiness he is not acting to benefit others, he is doing it to benefit himself.

    2) Tom & Hannah - Lucas Johnson
    Within all off these clips we see a different side to lucas, he portrays to other characters within Eastenders that he is a loving rightious man - represented by him being a priest, everyone believes he is a man who can do no wrong, however these clips show that he is quite a conniving and selfish character, for example when Trina dies he shows no remorse and does not bother to help her, within the other clips he is also seen as quite conniving, as he tries to manipulate owen (another 'villan' within eastenders, showing also that he feels more supirior than him. He is always appearing to stand taller than his victims showing that he feels in controll of them, he also referes to many biblical references and hides behind them in such a way that people would never suspect him. Again he is quite calm which promotes that he is not fazed by hwat he is doing.

    Ellie - Prom Night

    This character may be called the perfect villan due to the fact he is very organized and in controll of what he wants to do, he has planned out his events and therefore can carry them out quickly and sneakily. Within this trailer and throughout the film the character becomes a mystery, his voice and sillohette is seen however his face is not (enigma), this helps to add tension to the film and again promotes the villans controll. He may also be seen as the perfect villan due to the fact that he is quite ruthless, he does not hesitate to kill, and also shows no remorse, which villans obviously need. He suprises his victims and due to his normal appearance and background as a teacher no body suspects him. Again his voice remains calm and collected he is used to doing this

  2. Katie & Camilla - Voldermort

    Unlike the other characters spoken about so far voldermort has unhuman features, this makes him appear more threatening to people like harry potter within the film, he also has the benefit of using magic and therefore means that anything is capable, meaning that he may be seen as more threatening. The fact that voldermort has a large reputation as 'he who must not be named' he does not have to prove himself for the audience to know that he is a villain within the film. He again remains quite calm, and collected, he is quite passonate about killing happy which represents a villainous personality as normal people would not want this! His cape also promotes him as a evil character as it is a common connotation of bad evil characters such as - Dracula, The which of Snow white, Darth Vader, Spawn, Shredder etc, He is also ruthless and does not stop throughout the films continuing to get to harry potter.

    Obed - Dexter
    Dexter may be seen as a perfect villain due to the fact in a way he lives a doubel life, by day he is seen as a normal and civilised human being, however at the night he is a vicious serial killer, no one suspects him to be killing everyone showing that he must be very sneaky and again organized, also no one is aware of his capability. He agian is selfless and shows no remorse about his killings, he actually laughs when he tells his thearapist that he is a cereal killer, which is quite scary in a way because it represents his selfishness and the fact he does not care who he kills - makes him appear quite a dangerous character. Within the clip his mood changes relatively quickly also, showing that he is short tempered and not prepared to hesitate before doing things, the way he conducts his actions when grabbing the therapist show that he is used to this behaviour. He thrived on the fact that the therapist looked quite shocked and scared - he used this to his advantage - showing he is conniving and a little strange - his status is also higher in this representing his controll

    Sophie & Paul - Pirates of the Caribbean

    Again the villain within this film is unhuman, this is already enough to threaten people as they are not used to this look, his face is unpleasent therefore people immeadiately assume that his personality will also be, he too has also built up a reputation meaning that people are scared before they even come face to face with the character. He is quite intimidating and is not afraid of anyone as his repuation has built up an image of him - he knows people are scared of him and this makes him stronger and more intimidating - he realises that none has the guts to stand up to him, and those who do will face the consequences. his body language also prootes this by how he gets into peoples faces

  3. Lia + Lily - The Joker

    We chose the Joker as a perfect villain, as he has all the right appearance and personality as one. The makeup and hair to start it off scares you and you know for sure he is a villain as it compares to a clown which is happy and jolly, and the makeup used is rubbed off and messy giving it the opposite look which is to scare and look bad. His voice is very mysterious and could either be funny to the audience or quite disturbing as it isnt the cliche deep weird voice its quite high and weird.
    He doesn't care what he does as you can see he crashes a party steals the food and drink and gets people by the neck that are clearly innocent. He is confident and doesn't seem to care that what he is doing is bad. So he in my view is the perfect villain.

    Tom + Hannah - Lucas Johnson - Eastenders

    The clip shown of Lucas compares him to being a priest and being the bad character that he is. The characters see him as he would do no wrong but we, the audience know he is selfish and doesn't care about anyone but him to get himself out of the trouble he has got himself into. He stands above characters in the camera shot to show he is above them, even if the other character is talking down to him. More in this shot people use biblical references when talking to him such as, hell, God etc.

    Ellie Steele - Prom Night

    This was a really good villain as you don't actually see him until the end of the film. He keeps the mysterious eery feel to the film making the audience want to watch it and carry on watching the film to find out what he actually looks like.

  4. Katie and Camilla - Voldemort.

    This is a great example of the perfect villain, as as soon as you look at the character in the film, he scares and frightens you without hearing and seeing how he acts. His face is very peculiar and he wears a long black cape to show he is dark and mean, as black is a very dark and mysterious. He threatens and pushes Harry around which shows he doesn't care if he hurts people, and he uses magic to also hurt Harry. He also talks about killing Harry which shows he is a villain. His voice is very weird and dark which also gives him more of a villain look and effect.

    Obed - Dexter

    This is a very good example of a villain as he is a serial killer. He is weird as when he admits it to someone he acts as if it was hard to get it out into the open, this shows he is quite mixed up and weird as it shows his non caring for killing people. He looks like a normal every day person in a suit etc. But you can still tell from looking at his face and eyes there is something mysterious about it him that is a hidden secret to everyone else. The audience know but then the other characters in the program do not.
